our attack has been very sucsesfull, so far. Charlie Company executed a small fiegnt on the Pfhor ship's northern perimiter. This diverted most of the alien troops to that area. Meanwhile Fox company attacked in the south-west. Our troops have smashed appart most of the enemy, and now we must secure a beachead. At the same time, we must do our best to infiltrate deeper into the ship, and sabatoge their efforts. W must also try to stop the main Pfhor advance whenever possible, so that our troops have time to deploy properly.
I must now present you with a choice. You may either stay with the main body o our troops, where you will be better supported, and will be in constant contact with the Marauder. Or, you can opt for some cloak-and-dagger work inside the Pfhor ship. If you choose this, then you will be cut off from me and Fox company, but you will be free to work as you wish. Your expertise will be helpful on either fronts..
#checkpoint 0
This teleporter will take you directly to where the rest of our men are deploying. you must secure the area, and then move on to join up with the rest of our men. Expect heavy resistance. The one below it will take you into a secure area deep within the Pfhor's ship. There should be several marines waiting for you. Try and free any prisinors, and see if any of the slave races are possible candidites for rebbellion, like the S'pht.
This will take you to a secured location deep inside the enemy ship. Several other specialists are already there. Try and free any prisinors, and see if any of the slave races are open to rebel, as the s'pht did.
#checkpoint 2
Either way, we will be cut off from direct communication. Interpret the situations you are presented with as neccassary. Good luck, Marine.